PRUFlexiprotect CI1
We DO Health. Giving access to a comprehensive critical illness coverage for groups and organizations.

Attract. Retain. Ensure.
PRUFlexiprotect CI1 is group insurance that provides critical illness coverage. The Members of this group insurance may be employees of an organization, Members of a society or a cooperative. This requires a minimum of five Members.
Product Details
- 1-year term product
- Easy to renew up to age 65
- Cash benefit that is paid one-time in the event of critical illness
- Provides Financial Security in times of Illness: PRUFlexiprotect CI1 ensures that Members will be cushioned from the devastation caused by disruption of income upon diagnosis of critical illness. Members may be covered for as low as 50,000 MMK. For employer-employee accounts, providing this benefit cements the care of the company to its employees and is seen as a vital element in attracting and retaining talent.
- We Cover the Most Number of Critical Illness Conditions: This benefit ensures there is money for treatment should the Member be diagnosed with any of the 20 critical illnesses covered by this product. 25% of the sum assured, whichever is lower, becomes available if the Member is diagnosed by a licensed Physician to have any of the following Early Stage Critical Illnesses: Late Stage diagnosis pays 100% of this benefit’s sum assured or remaining 75% should Early Stage claim has already been made.
Early Stage Critical Illness |
Late Stage Critical Illness |
1. Early Stage Cancer – carcinoma in situ and other early cancers of specified organs |
1. Major Cancer |
2. Insertion of a permanent cardiac pacemaker or defibrillator |
2. Heart Attack of Specified Severity |
3. Coronary Angioplasty | 3. Coronary Artery By-Pass Surgery |
4. Carotid Artery Surgery | 4. Stoke with Permanent Neurological Deficit |
5. Cerebral Aneurysm Surgery | 5. End Stage Liver Failure |
6. Partial surgical removal of the liver | 6. End Stage Lung Disease |
7. Surgical removal of one Lung | 7. Kidney Failure |
8. Surgical removal of one kidney | 8. Open Chest Surgery to Aorta |
9. Minimally invasive surgery to aorta | 9. Open Chest Heart Valve Surgery |
10. Small Bowel Transplant | 10. Major Organ Transplant |
Please note: For full definition and explanation of the above diseases, please ask your Prudential Sales Representative.
Note: Please check here for claim guidelines.